Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 8, 2015

Hướng dẫn may áo kiểu kimono cho bé

Bạn có thể tải mẫu rập A4 để ghép và cắt tại ĐÂY

Tùy theo lứa tuổi của bé, bạn in theo tỉ lệ tương ứng như sau nhé:
Bé 0-3 tháng: in full 100%
Bé 3-6 tháng: 105%
Bé 6-12 tháng 110%
Bé 12-18 tháng 115%
Bé 18-24 tháng 120%
Bé 24-36 tháng 125%

Nếu bạn dùng vải dày thì nên in nhảy 1 size so với size gốc của bé nha

Rập đã bao gồm đường may. Hướng dẫn bạn tạm nhìn hình ảnh nhé, Mình lười dịch :))
Make ties: Cut 21-inch piece of single-fold bias tape. Open tape, fold in half, with right sides facing, and sew along crease parallel to fold. Trim close to stitching. With loop turner, turn inside out; press. Cut into three equal pieces. Lay main-garment piece flat, wrong side up, front toward you. Lift fabric at angled cut at the shoulder; pin two ties at dots, positioning as shown. Fold up sleeve hems by 3/8 inch twice, pin, and topstitch.
Lay front-flap piece wrong side up; fold left side in by 3/8 inch twice; pin and topstitch. Place front-flap piece on main-garment piece over the right sleeve, right sides facing; align angled shoulder edges, sandwiching in ends of ties, and pin. Stitch along angled edges with 3/8-inch seam allowance. Zigzag edges. Beneath angled shoulder, fold side edge of main garment under twice by 3/8 inch; topstitch to hem. Fold kimono in half along shoulders, right sides facing. Pin along sides and underside of sleeves. On left side (with garment front facing you) at dot under the arm, pin a 5-inch ribbon. Hand stitch another 5-inch ribbon at dot on edge of front flap. (These provide inner ties.) Sew along pinned edges with 3/8-inch seam allowance, catching tie. Zigzag edges. In curves under each arm, make 5 cuts in seam allowance without cutting through straight stitching. Hem kimono as sleeves were hemmed. Turn right side out.
Pin the third 7-inch tie at dot on angled edge of garment front, as shown. Cut 8-inch piece of bias tape. Open, pin to angled edge, right sides facing, starting at neck and aligning edges as shown; sew along top crease, catching tie. Fold tape over fabric edge, refold at crease, and hand stitch to wrong side of garment, sewing to end of tape. Press.
Trim away point of fabric extending beyond angled edge of front flap. Cut a 12-inch piece of bias tape, and use it to cover the raw edge of the neckline as you did the angled shoulder, turning ends of tape under to hem. Press.

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